17 May 18'
"I attended this course in March 2018, as an individual who had done a fair bit of DIY, but never any genuine carpentry. I'd always wanted to do some "proper woodwork", and follow in the footsteps of my father and grandfather.
I felt like I learned an amazing amount during the week, with patient and friendly support from Mark and Richard, who were both fantastic. They have a knack of passing on the knowledge and techniques required to achieve a good standard without ever taking over the project and doing things for you - I can look at the step-stool I produced and know that I made every part of it, which is a great feeling.
All in all, it's a brilliant way to learn about woodwork, and I'd recommend it to anyone.
All of the above is reason enough to attend the course, but there was another aspect for me that was just as important, and that's the feeling I got from spending a week in a lovely part of the country, with great people (both students and tutors), learning new skills, and putting them into practice to produce a tangible and beautiful thing. It was truly inspirational; not a moment of stress and completely enjoyable from start to finish.
It's a rare opportunity to spend a week like that, and I for one feel lucky to have done so."