Testimonials from Makers & Tutors of CraftCourses

"We've been with CraftCourses for about 7 years now, and they have always been very helpful and supportive. Their email support in particular is second to none. Highly recommmended!"

Andy Morton, Sallerton Wood in Devon

"It’s been a whole year since I signed up to sell my classes through Craft Courses. They have been invaluable in helping me start up my own jewellery teaching business. Thank you!"

Sarah Davis at Wye Creative in the Forest of Dean

"We are delighted to let you know just how much Craftcourses has benefitted our business - so much so that we are now in a position where we are considering expanding and diversifying the courses we offer through your site."

Maggie at Rix & Co Rocking Horses in Derbyshire

"I’ve been really happy with the craft courses website - it is a brilliant advertising platform and gives excellent service for course providers and customers, with quick response times and really helpful staff. The boost option is really easy to use and has an excellent response rate. Thank you!"

Olivia Clifton Bligh at Bull Mill Arts in Wiltshire

"I will recommend CraftCourses any day of the week! I have been selling for years with CraftCourses and find they are great people, with the personal touch, on first names,  not just email addresses to contact, I never hesitate to ask anything and they are all so willing and helpful, I never have to wait long for a helpful reply to any enquiry, and most importantly I consistently sell with CraftCourses too! Thanks as always."

Nicky Gee BCT Kits & Workshops in Blackpool.

"Your team has done a fantastic job, my small business has grown thanks to your hard work."

Norman Reay, Reson-8

"Well done on creating such a smooth and easy to use platform. I don't have much patience for technology nowadays and this was easy to use, almost a pleasure!  Thank you" 

"A BIG thank you to your team - changing the way we could offer courses really helped my business this year. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas!"

Emma Mapp, Mapp of London

"To all you wonderful Craft Courses staff. I want to thank you for all your hardwork and support particularly over the past 8 months when I've had to completely change my business direction and deliver a whole new line of products instead of face to face work.  Your support and promotion of my kits has been brilliant and it's really helped boost my sales, which has been amazing!"

Audrey, Montet Designs

"Brilliant site. 3 booking in my first week!!! Really pleased with the help and back up from Rachael. She quickly replied to my questions with such a friendly response. I'm so glad I took the opportunity to list my workshop. Very easy site to navigate. Works well from my phone so I can reply from my studio or anywhere in fact. Very happy."

Di, Art on the Edge, Suffolk

"I just wanted to say thank you so much for featuring us on your news letter. It means a lot that you like our kits and it was a lovely surprise." 

Katie & Rachel, Bergin & Bath craft kits

"The craft courses platform has been a successful platform to advertise my stained glass business in London. The team is so easily approachable, accessible and friendly to work with. They have surely empowered me and made me confident to run my workshops. Keep up the good work!"

Tejal, Glassseasons, Stained glass courses and gifts in London

"I have found the craft courses site straightforward to use with a huge amount of flexibility around organising the courses I am offering. The craft courses staff are extremely friendly and helpful in addressing any problems I have had while learning how to set things up. Craft courses takes all the stress out of advertising, arranging payments, bookings and so on allowing me to focus on what I enjoy - teaching a heritage craft. I look forward to many more successful courses using the craft courses platform. It's clear from talking to people attending my courses that it works well from their perspective too."

Phil Parkes Maille, Cardiff

"The site is brilliant, and I am glad that this platform exists. It is very easy to use and I have had students enrol on my creative gift wrapping courses. Thank you."

Zoliab Craft & Gift Wrapping Academy, Essex

"Just wanted to say a big thankyou for the good work you have done for me over the last year, I've had loads of enquiries and lots of teaching opportunities that have come directly from being registered with you. Thanks again and keep up the good work!"

Catherine Edwards Leather, Hebden Bridge, Yorkshire

"Thanks for all your help and the excellent website... it works!"

"Great site with really helpful staff . I'm not good at IT problem solving but the team have been kind when sorting me out. The majority of new students find me through the site. Thank you."

Louise Evans, Louise's Apiary, Southampton

"Great resource and Great results! Over 50% of my bookings this year have originated from CraftCourses.com. Have been busy getting my crafty friends to register and take advantage and they are reporting the same. Keep up the good work!"

Rob Exton - Greenwood Leather Crafts 

"Your website has made all the difference in getting my business off the ground. Many thanks indeed."

Dean Allen, contemporary clay courses at Metamorphosis Sculpture in Notts. 

"The Craft Courses web site is bringing me more students than all my other forms of publicity put together. It's easy to Google and very well placed in the listings. I regularly update my pages - an easy to do task - thank goodness. You're doing a great job - keep it up!!"

Elaine Ware, Cartmel Handspun Spinning School, Cumbria.

"This website is brilliant. All our bookings come through here. Fantastic that students can post a review and love the fact that customers can buy gift vouchers as presents. So glad we found it, many thanks."

Julie Lindsay, Aroma Quotes candlemaking courses in Huddersfield.

"Your website has made a huge difference to my craft income this winter, absolutely incredible!"

Ian Varley, Rustic Carpentry near Loughborough.

"Thank you for the service you provide with the Craft Course site. It has been great for my business and I can’t thank you enough.”

Mark Hancock, Woodturner & Tutor.

"A wonderful website for artists and students to connect with each other."

Gore Tree Studio, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire

"Thanks for all your hard work running the site. It's a breath of fresh air to have something like this that focuses on offering creative experiences and the chance for people to learn new crafts rather than just buying stuff."

Louise, Blended Monkey creative courses

"Straightforward and easy and the results I've had have far exceeded my expectations. Craft Courses is a well thought out and run medium and I would definitely recommend it to anybody. Keep up the good work Craft Courses."

Bill Bennett Woodturning, Leicestershire 

"I just wanted to thank you and all at Craftcourses.com for the way you promote the courses. We have had two very successful Living Wreath courses this weekend and 90% of the attendees had seen the course through your website."

Alison Blythe, Arts & Crafts at Tresillian House, Melton Mowbray.

"I just wanted to let you know how well our boost worked for our beginner's knitting course.  We were oversubscribed and hope to run another next year. Keep up the great work!  As a charity, this is a very affordable way for us to promote our courses." 

Elizabeth Borg, Community Learning Partnership, Watford

"I just thought I would say that, as a technology phobic, your website is a delight to navigate. A credit to you all."

"Having been on here for a year now, I can honestly say it is worth every penny! I'm now at my Gold Award which makes my courses slightly higher up in searches which really helps and is an incentive to keep collecting the reviews!" 

Kerry Kernan Millinery & Textiles

"I have a single course listed here, completely free, which I set up in December 2017. I have been over whelmed with requests for wire sculpture lessons and this led me to being invited to exhibit and demonstrate my work at RSA Wisley in May."

"Can I just take the opportunity to thank you (CraftCourses.com) as this site has been an invaluable source of potential students for me, as a new business, over the last year. I wouldn't have been nearly as successful without being part of it. Thank you." 

Fiona at Valley Craft Studio, Colchester.

"I'm delighted with my entry on the Craft Courses web site, it's bringing me an enquiry most weeks....good stuff!”

“We thank you for your amazing website we have picked up quite a lot of enquiries from your site”

Bridget, Sew-b-it in Hampshire

"I find your site fantastic, it’s really helped get my customers, one lady’s daughter bought a voucher who lives in Canada!"

Judi Cook, shoe maker

"I think this website is just fabulous. I have only just started teaching mosaics (small classes) and am getting steady enquiries and 5-star feedback."

Lynda Stacey-Lowe, Artful Mosaics courses in Kent

"All together I find all of you at Craft Courses very helpful and I appreciate your service very much!"

Sebastian Rasch, weekend stone carving workshops in Gloucestershire. 

"I have been really happy with everything about Craft Courses. It is a straight-forward, inexpensive way to advertise my workshops and is so worthwhile - it has been brilliant for my business. I would highly recommend this website to anyone offering creative workshops, I wouldn't be without it."

Rachel Warrillow, Fascinator Making Millinery Workshops at Warrillow Studios in Birmingham

"Craft Courses was recommended to me from another tutor and I have been using it to advertise my embroidery workshops for a while now. I struggled with advertising before but now don’t advertise anywhere else. Craft courses do a brilliant job and I regularly come up in a google search which means that I have participants from far and wide- this year from Nashville, Australia and Ireland. It is easy to update your workshops and they are always so helpful on the phone. I wouldn’t hesitate in recommending them to others. Great website!" 

Julie Brand, Tigley Textiles, Worcestershire.

"Since putting my candle-making workshops on the Craft Courses web site, my enquiries have more than doubled and I am very grateful to the site providers for giving me this free advertising opportunity. Highly recommend it to craft makers UK wide. It works."

Angharad Stobbs, Wax the matter? Candlemaker, Wales.

"I'd just like to say again how much I appreciate Craft Courses! I'm now getting interest from all over the country, and even abroad - someone came while visiting from The Falklands, and recently, a carpet maker has been in touch from Algeria! We have also been looking up courses ourselves, and recently did a very enjoyable weekend basketmaking in Perthshire. I'm about to write a review! You are doing a great job! Thanks again."

Jane Binks, Jane's Art Tapestry courses, Mid Lothian.

"I continue to find your website an absolutely invaluable source of customers." 

"Just wanted to let you know that since listing my glass fusing course on Craft Courses, enquiries about classes have increased a LOT. I've had three emails/calls this week alone and it's not done yet! Thank you for having such a good idea and I thought you'd like to know that it's working well." 

"I have been using Craft Courses to promote our long-standing Timber framing courses. Since then we have had a lot more international students. For a course provider the web page is a joy to navigate and update. Great work team!"

Alan Ritchie, Timber framing courses, Hewnwood, Brecon, Wales.

"Craftcourses.com is an excellent site. It is the only site I advertise on because they are so good at what they do i.e. bringing the potential students to me. They are very prompt and always easy to contact. The site is clear and easy to use, and I like the visual design particularly the banner."

Lucy Copleston, Exclusive Jewellery .

"Thank you, Craft Courses, for doing such a great job! Allowing us Artists and Craftsmen to share our knowledge and also making it possible for small business like mine to thrive and connect with everyone that wants to learn! I've recommended you so many times to other like-minded businesses. Thank you!"

"Thank you for creating such a good website. Great for our small businesses."

Jackie Nash Art in Worcestershire.

"Many thanks for making advertising with you so easy! I got a good number of students via the site."

Fay George, Hotwalls Studios Portsmouth

"It's a brilliant website!"

Catherine from Boyne-Whitelegg Pottery in York.

"Ed Bentley [ceramic artist and tutor] mentioned to me how good Craftcourses.com had been for his business and I was proof of that, because that’s how I found his course… When I started teaching Pottery I listed my first course FOR FREE!!! Then the queries about my classes started to come. I can only say good things about this site, Kate is patient and extremely helpful, I really hope this site and my classes keep going from strength to strength. Thank you Kate and Team"

Joan at jccermaics in the Wirral .

"Craft Courses is a brilliant idea to serve as a bridge for tutors and learners of handwork, and how very well run! CraftCourses provides enough visibility and at such a reasonable price . It was also very motivating to gradually climb their ladder from Bronze to Platinum Students Choice Award for the reviews I've received so far. I feel quite personally connected to Craft Courses now, and very grateful for the wonderful work they're doing - creating a valuable human network. You guys are the best!"

Sowmya's Crochet and Finger Knitting in Putney, London.

"Crafts Courses is a fantastic website. I advertise my workshops on this website and use it to find out about all the fabulous art and craft opportunities there are around the country. I regularly received enquiries through Craft Courses and many people have booked workshops after finding out about Crafts Afloat on the website. The advertising costs are extremely reasonable, the website is easy to use and it's simple to upload information and images. Thanks for providing such a great service and for spreading the joys of creativity! I highly recommend Craft Courses to everyone who comes on my workshops. Many thanks.

Melanie." Crafts in the Valley in Hebden Bridge.

"I'm very pleased with all the enquiries I get from your website. Keep up the good work!" 

Tom Trimmins, furniture making courses in London

"Since creating my Craft Courses profile, I've experienced an upsurge of interest in my mould making tuition.  It's so easy to create and edit my page and I've met so many interesting makers as a direct result of being listed. I can't recommend Craft Courses highly enough!"

 Ed Bentley, Ceramic Artist, Designer and Tutor, Stoke on Trent.

"The response is good, and we have several new users to the workshop as a direct result of your site. We are trying to offer more courses and hopefully we will list these in the new year. Many thanks."

Alan, Dukeries Community Workshops in Newark, Nottinghamshire.

"Since I signed up with you my classes have been getting busier and busier! Here's to a great 2017!" 

Rosanna Clare leatherwork courses in Kent.

 "Very easy to use, good value source of potential students. I would recommend Craft Courses. I have quit other similar sites in favour of this one." 

"Since I've been advertising on your site, I have had several enquiries about my fused glass workshops, many of whom have then gone on to book with me. I have also attended a glass blowing workshop which I founded on this site. Your website has helped my little business grow, thank you."

Sheena Hallybone from Papercutzglass.

"I have been promoting my courses through Craft Courses for several years now. The number of introductions I receive is increasing, as is the take up. They are a great resource to us crafts people and they do a great job promoting us. They are a delight to deal with. Long may they continue."

Philip Wellesley-Davies, Upholsterer in Oxfordshire and Berkshire.

"I think what Craft Courses is doing is fantastically great and much appreciate the listing I have on the page and I am equally happy with the responses and the business it generates for me as weaver. Thank you! ”

James Donald, PickOne Weaving courses in Edinburgh.

A fabulous site … from very early on this site has created a nice steady flow of people wanting to learn a new skill with me. It is lovely to have interested and keen like-minded people wanting to know more, and I find everyone who has come from this site has been super, with many coming back for more. It is very professional and well laid out."

Kim Eales, Bethyboobeads glasswork in Maidenhead.

"I wish Craft Courses continued success... getting my first page live on your website earlier this year has proved to be one of the best things that I've done for my company!"

"I have been singing Craft Courses praises to other crafters I meet!  I have found that people are prepared to travel quite long distances to attend courses and even stay overnight and these people would not find me so easily without Craft Courses."

Michelle, Furzie Felt.

"Just a little note to say how fantastic I think your service/website is, both for a workshop provider & workshop student. When promoting my workshops your site is so easy to use & navigate. It's also a fantastic platform to find new & interesting fun things to do & easy for students to book & review courses." 

"I just wanted to say thanks.  I've just done two days individual tuition for a lady who found me through your website so it's working very well for me."

Lynne Friel, Mount Cutting.

"Thank you for managing this wonderful website!"

Jamal, Stained Glassic.

"I am aware that I'm not using my extra page but I get such a lot of bookings from my free entry I feel you should be making some money from my listing. Thank you for an outstanding service." 

"It didn't take long to get my first booking with Craft Courses! Thank you for facilitating this." 

"We love this site and we are getting lots of new enquiries because of it, so thank you very much!" 

Stella, Renaissance Originals, Hailsham, East Sussex.

"I get most of my students through CraftCourses, thank you so much for providing this service. I also find the website very user friendly. Keep up the good work." 

Camilla, Summerhouse fused glass courses, Wakefield, Yorkshire.

"Signing up to Craft Courses has helped promote the studio and the subscription fees are covered by the additional enquiries and subsequent bookings; thank you Kate for the quality service and assistance in getting me up and running on the CraftCourses website!  I’m now working on getting more reviews from our students.  Thanks for the facebook shout out too - much appreciated!" 

James Ort, The Phoenix Studio, Oxfordshire.

"We have had loads of enquiries (and bookings) for our blacksmithing courses in West Wales via Craft Courses. Thank you - what a great resource." 

Trudi Petersen, Ferric Fusion, Wales.

"I have had many enquiries from your website now. A really good value way of promoting my courses. Easy to set up and a nice price structure. I'd recommend it to anyone running courses." 

"With CraftCourses I found a wonderful tool that addressed all my issues regarding publicity. It’s very easy to develop a page with your information, cost-wise it's initially free and then if you want to continue there is a very low monthly or annual fee. Potential students access a very clear and easily navigable web site with none of the annoying advertising blinking away. For me it has been an extremely positive experience and I would like to thank craftcourses.com in being the tool that has enabled so many new students to reach me." 

Dilys Fisher, Enamellist, Rosy M Design, Wiltshire.

"Your website is brilliant and really easy to use for both the course providers and people looking to take part - it’s been great for us." 

Amy Milford, Funky Art House, Bath.

"Your site is SO fantastic. I have had a lot of bookings from it. I love you guys!" 

Mia Foy, The Naked Sheep, Buckingham.

"As a potter running workshops that are advertised on Craftcourses.com, I am pleased that customers have successfully found my business through the website and made bookings as a result. Thank you team!" 

"I would like to say a huge thank you to Craft Courses. The website is easy to use and vibrant and I have had several enquiries come through via your website. This is a great forum for craft people and is extremely affordable for the outstanding service you receive. Well done." 

Sakeena Edoo, Lumiere de Londres, London.

"I am very pleased with your site, the service I receive and the response I have had to my advert on it. Many thanks." 

"Gayle Mill Trust is a charity with a small operating budget, therefore any costly marketing activity we undertake must be worthwhile and effective. Craftcourses.com is easy to use and update with the great feature of being able to include student reviews and multiple images. This provides us with a platform to market our courses alongside other crafts people and venues, sharing our audiences. The quality of the courses on offer is high and diverse with a wide geographical spread; simply a great place to be seen. I would highly recommend any venues and trainers to use craftcourses.com to market their events – it is great value for money and looks really good!" 

Samantha Belcher, Gayle Mill Trust, Yorkshire Dales.

"Can I say huge thanks for setting up Craft Courses - a brilliant website and long overdue. I have looked for several years at similar sites for other things like UK campsites or even Trip Adviser and thought that this is what we need for craft courses. There are so many providers and such a variety of quality, I for one would like my past students to be able to review my courses online... I think your site is fantastic." 

Robin Wood, Chair of the Heritage Crafts Association, Derbyshire.

"Just wanted to say congratulations to you all at Craft Courses for a great website!  So easy to use, update, request reviews and looks good too. Add to that its excellent position on Google and the result is a professional resource for course providers and a pleasant experience for all those wonderful people who attend craft courses... And all in one place - brilliant!" 

Gaynor Howell, Leather Courses Britain, Pembrokeshire, Wales.

"Your website is very simple and user friendly, no hassle - perfect!" 

Zaga, Beauty Handmade UK, London.

"This is working for me nicely now after a bit of a slow start, enquiries are coming in nice and steady for the courses that I run, Kate has done a grand job not only of the site but sorted out my pages for me so that they give a good reflection of the courses that I offer. Thank you, Craft Courses." 

Richard, The Wood Workshop, Cumbria. 

"I would like to pay for a year's subscription this time as I am receiving more bookings as the result of your site, so thank you for all of your efforts." 

Rowena Williams at Paddock Studio Pottery, South Downs, Suffolk.

"Listed my crochet workshop yesterday on your website, received a booking today! Quick work, thank you :)" 

Linda Robinson, Creative Thread Workshops, Preston, Lancashire.

"Had my first booking as a direct result of someone seeing my course on your website today... a two-person birthday booking - Thanks!" 

Helen Smith, Helen Rose Glass, Chelmsford, Essex.

"I can't thank you enough for the amazing site you have to promote courses around the UK." 

Adam Christian Graddon, ceramicist and tutor, Exeter, Devon.

"Thank you for providing a website that has so many different craft courses, as a craft maker I really appreciate this database. It is easy to navigate your website and find courses in my area and throughout the UK that are of interest to me." 

Michelle Williams, Chair of Ceredigion Craft Makers, Wales.

"Thank you for all you do for artists and for providing such a user friendly and clear web site." 

"Thanks for your help and can I also say that I've been very happy with the response I get from Craft Courses - I've held quite a few workshops since new year, via my page here." 

Lesley Cunnane, Pixiedots, Stratford-Upon-Avon, Warwickshire.

"We have had a fantastic response to the course through your website, so glad we found you and we are definitely planning to advertise more courses on your website in the not too distant future and have told everyone we know who puts on similar course to get in touch with you." 

Irene Walker, Forgotten Favourites, Stourbridge, West Midlands.
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