Make a handbag or shoulder bag using beautiful natural coloured willow and weaves. The handbag will have a hazel or a driftwood handle and the shoulder bag a leather strap. There will be a range to choose from on the day or you can bring your own. You will be using a pre-prepared base which will give you the time and space focus on control of shape/form and producing accurate and aesthetically pleasing weaves. At Ecclesall Woods we pride ourselves on the high-quality teaching from our tutors and our low class numbers (max 6 for most classes) and a number of our courses also have an assistant. We have found that smaller class sizes are more productive, un-rushed and allow students to learn more.
What's included in the price?
All materials and tool use are provided for you on the day. Refreshments throughout the course. Please bring a packed lunch, notebook and pen. PPE is available where applicable. Cafe on site doing light lunches Thursday-Sunday. All green woodworking courses are based outside. Most other courses inside based but bring clothing/footwear/sunscreen etc. suitable to working outdoors in the season you attend. Please note we are currently experiencing technical difficulties with our phone system and can not accept any incoming calls- for assistance please message us using the 'Contact' link above. *Due to Covid-19 we have taken the unfortunate decision to suspend some of our courses. As the situation changes we will suspend / re-introduce courses as applicable. Anyone currently booked onto a course in March or April which we are re-scheduling will have priority booking on a re-arranged course or be issued with a 12 month voucher. At present we are still taking bookings for courses later in the year and our June-Dec programme will be online shortly. Any questions related to courses please contact us.
1 day
Cancellation policy
Strict - Cancellation and a full refund can be obtained up to 8 weeks before the course starts
Set in a beautiful ancient woodland, our traditional skills and heritage craft courses are inspired by nature. Our friendly craftspeople will guide you with their knowledge of age-old methods and natural materials to learn, make new friends and create!
Suitable for
- Adults
- Intermediate level
- Stag dos
- Hen dos
- Easter
- Suitable for all abilities
- Corporate days out & team building
- Public transport
- Weekends
- Mother's Day
- Engagement, birthdays & anniversaries
- Romantic
- Suitable for beginners
- Parking provided