Blacksmithing - Forging - Make your own fire cooking kit. A weekend of fire, metal, hammers, sparks and new friends.



Bringing Heat to Hearth @ Henbant.. Forging - Make your own fire cooking kit. A weekend of fire, metal, hammers, sparks and new friends. Over a weekend of fire, laughs and lots of hammering you will learn the skills of a blacksmith to make your own tripod (which could convert into an H-Frame), a fire rake, pot lifter for a Dutch oven and some S-Hooks. You will go home with a complete starter kit for cooking over fire. All this is set in the beautiful timber framed barn at Henbant, one of Europes leading Permaculture Farms and Nature Restoration Projects. Chris is an experienced artistic blacksmith and great teacher. Over the weekend he will share the secrets, history and techniques of working metal into your own beautiful and practical treasures. Forging would be 10-430 with a hour break for lunch each day. Meet up at 9:30 for a safety briefing and cup of tea. 10am – Demonstration and start forging. 1pm - break for lunch . 2pm back to the forging. 4-5 pm finish for the day and relax. At the end of the weekend you will leave with a tripod/H -Frame, fire rake, pot lifter and “S“ hooks ready for wild cooking wherever you are. Lush organic cake, drinks and a simple but lunch is included. Camping (and possibly accommodation in one of our hobbit houses (bring the family?) and simple but hearty breakfast is available as an extra on the Friday and Saturday nights and Saturday and Sunday Mornings. Gofannu - Gwnewch eich cit coginio tân eich hun. Penwythnos o dân, metel, morthwylion, gwreichion a ffrindiau newydd. Dros benwythnos o dân, chwerthin a llawer o forthwylio byddwch yn dysgu sgiliau gof i wneud eich trybedd eich hun (a allai droi’n H-Frame), rhaca tân, codwr pot ar gyfer popty Iseldireg a rhai S-Hooks. Byddwch yn mynd adref gyda phecyn cychwyn cyflawn ar gyfer coginio dros dân. Gof artistig profiadol ac athro gwych yw Chris. Dros y penwythnos bydd yn rhannu cyfrinachau, hanes a thechnegau gweithio metel yn eich trysorau hardd ac ymarferol eich hun. Byddai gofannu yn 10-430 gydag awr o egwyl ar gyfer cinio bob dydd. Cyfarfod am 9:30 ar gyfer sesiwn friffio diogelwch a phaned. 10am – Arddangosiad a dechrau ffugio. 1pm - egwyl am ginio. 2pm yn ôl i'r gofannu. 4-5 pm gorffen am y diwrnod ac ymlacio. Ar ddiwedd y penwythnos byddwch yn gadael gyda thrybedd/Ffram H, rhaca tân, codwr pot a bachau “S” yn barod ar gyfer coginio gwyllt ble bynnag yr ydych. Cynhwysir cacen organig lush, diodydd a chinio. Mae gwersylla (ac o bosib llety yn un o’n tai hobbit (dewch â’r teulu?) a brecwast syml ond swmpus ar gael fel rhywbeth ychwanegol ar nos Wener a nos Sadwrn a boreau Sadwrn a Sul.

What's included in the price?

Materials Organic Lunch and Refreshments Great Teaching Beautiful Space


2 days

Cancellation policy

Easy - Cancellation and a full refund can be obtained up to 2 weeks before the course starts



Henbant Permaculture

with Craft Courses since 2024

Message the tutor

Henbant is a Permaculture Farm, Venue and Wilding Site. We believe a more beautiful world is still possible and we host a range of fantastic courses to skill ourselves up for fulfilling and regenerative lives.

Suitable for

  • Adults
  • Seniors
  • Teenagers
  • Wheelchair users
  • Hearing impaired
  • Vision impaired
  • Limited mobility
  • Learning difficulties (SEN)
  • Public transport
  • Parking provided
  • Suitable for beginners
  • Accommodation offered
Message the tutor


Henbant Bach Farm, Clynnogfawr, CAERNARFON, Gwynedd, LL54 5DF