4 Jun 18'
"As a self taught woodturner that was born of a desire to spend "useful" time in retirement, it was with great trepidation that I accepted the gift voucher from my wife to see a "real" woodturner in action and be shown how to do things properly
I need not have worried. Mark's relaxed and supportive tutoring style reinforced my good turning traits and gentle corrected my horrors.
The day rushed past and armed with probably the finest turned bowl of my short turning career the day concluded all too soon.
I can't sing Mark's praises too highly. He unlocked the mysteries of tool sharpening, of sand paper free finishing and gave me a confidence to go home, practice, and turn some finely engraved fluting and beading on my bowls.
Whether you are a starter or an old hand, Mark's teaching will enhance your skill and almost certainly put a smile on your face."