Selling your handmade crafts online - the ultimate steps to success



Debra Stuart is a successful CEO and owner of four thriving Etsy shops, one of which achieved a six-figure turnover within just 12 months. With over 30 years of experience in the education sector, Debra combines her passion for teaching with her entrepreneurial expertise to empower crafters to succeed in the online marketplace. Her comprehensive knowledge of Etsy and dedication to helping others make Debra a sought-after mentor and leader in the creative business community. This one-day workshop will comprehensively guide you through all the essential steps for establishing your products on Etsy and Craft Courses. You will learn how to optimise your product listings and effectively market your offerings to achieve success to provide you with a regular income. If your are looking to generate an income from your hobby then this course is perfect to get you started. The course comes with a comprehensive step by step guide and an additional 3 months email support.

What's included in the price?

This one day workshop covers the following topics: How to list your products on Craft Courses and maximise sales. Introduction to Etsy - Overview of Etsy: What It Is and Why It’s Beneficial - Success Stories: Case Studies of Top Sellers - Key Features and Tools of the Etsy Platform ## Setting Up Your Etsy Shop - Creating an Etsy Account - Choosing a Shop Name - Crafting a Memorable Shop Banner and Logo - Writing a Compelling Shop Description Product Listings - Product Photography Tips: High-Quality Images - Writing Effective Product Titles and Descriptions - Pricing Strategies: Competitive and Profitable - Using Tags and Keywords for SEO - Setting Up Variations and Custom Options Shipping and Policies - Setting Up Shipping Profiles - Calculating Shipping Costs - Crafting Clear Shop Policies (Returns, Exchanges, Shipping Times) - Offering International Shipping Marketing and Promotion - Utilising Social Media to Drive Traffic - Collaborations and Influencer Marketing - Etsy and Craft Courses Ads: When and How to Use Them - Seasonal Promotions and Discounts - Building a Mailing List for Repeat Customers Customer Service Excellence - Communicating with Customers: Best Practices - Handling Inquiries and Custom Orders - Managing Reviews and Feedback - Resolving Issues and Disputes Analytics and Growth - Understanding Etsy Analytics: Traffic and Sales Data - Identifying Trends and Opportunities - Strategies for Scaling Your Shop - Diversifying Product Lines Workshop and Hands-On Activities - Setting Up Your Etsy and Craft Courses Shop: Step-by-Step Guide - Crafting a Product Listing: Hands-On Practice - Photography Session: Taking Product Photos - Writing Effective Descriptions and Titles: Group Activity Q&A and Networking - Open Floor for Questions and Answers - Networking Session with Fellow Crafters - Sharing Resources and Tips Conclusion and Next Steps - Recap of Key Takeaways - Action Plan: Steps to Implement After the Course - Resources for Further Learning and Support Materials Provided - Course Workbook and Templates - List of Useful Tools and Resources - 3 Month email support


6 hours

Cancellation policy

Medium - Cancellation and a full refund can be obtained up to 4 weeks before the course starts




with Craft Courses since 2022

Message the tutor

Having worked as a senior executive in a corporate environment for most of my working life, In February 2022 I chose to retire and focus on my passion for mosaics. I trained for over 20 years with a wide variety of mosaic artists and my passion is creating colourful mosaics to add interest and reflection into gardens. I am keen to share my passion and have now set up a range of face to face workshops and mosaic kits.

Suitable for

  • Adults
  • Seniors
  • Teenagers
  • Wheelchair users
  • Hearing impaired
  • Vision impaired
  • Limited mobility
  • Corporate days out & team building
  • Suitable for beginners
  • Accommodation offered
  • Intermediate level
  • Parking provided
  • Advanced/pro level
  • Tutor can travel
gold badge
What does this mean?
Message the tutor


YES. Adequate free parking is provided

As this is a product selling course, it would be really useful if you could bring an example of the products you create and sell. It is also useful to bring pen and notebook.

NO. This workshop is designed to take you from knowing absolutely nothing to being able to create successful product listings on either Etsy or Craft Courses

YES. Refreshments, tea, coffee and biscuits are provided and a light lunch is included in the price.

You will receive 3 months email support to help you get going or improve your existing Etsy and/or Craft Courses listings - this includes reviewing your listed products and giving you feedback on ways in which you can improve them to help optimise your products in sales rankings.

YES. We will take you through a simple step by step approach from opening the shop through to creating visually engaging, optimised listings.


Kingfisher Way, Hinchingbrooke Business Park, HUNTINGDON, Cambridgeshire, PE29 6FL