13 Aug 18'
"The trainer,John Holt, emailed sheets before the course giving basic guidance on good and bad practice in Dry Stone Walling which was helpful preparation. He also sent good instructions on location etc.
The course was very 'hands-on' which was ideal for such a practical subject. John gave us a brief talk on what we needed to do and then watched us doing it giving us tips and helping where necessary. We worked in two teams, one on the base of the wall we were building and the other on the higher level, switching over after lunch so that we all experienced both.
We were given instruction in how to lay out the strings to keep the wall straight and the courses of stone even, plus the dimensions required to make the batter frame.
A really good, informative and enjoyable day."
London School of Dry Stone Walling responded:
"Hello Neil - Thank you for your feedback comments. I am pleased you found the workshop content helpful. During the day, i saw how you and the group developed, choosing, juggling with stone, then a chip here and there and finding a place for it on the wall. Particularly pleased that you benefited from swapping round different places on the wall and developed your own techniques in shapeing the stone. I am sure your experience and interest will enhance further, as you begin to notice more and more DSW during your travels. Best Wishes, John"