21 Jul 19'
"Gareth is “as mad as a box of frogs”! Like a box of frogs, he is fascinating, pleasing, natural, constantly in motion and bright green (well not that last one..). He is a unique individual with a true passion for teasing art, emotion and life-like movement out of wood and stone and other inanimate things like you and I.
I had the privilege of spending several days with Gareth and tackling a more complex project which I have brought home to complete. It strikes me I have probably packed months of experience in what we christened “co-carving” where Gareth would demonstrate, I would try to repeat, he would adjust/fix and so on until I found I was actually producing results that were very (very) pleasing.
I can thoroughly recommend Gareth, his amazing house, his very tasty cooking and even his choice of biscuits to you. Bring a Sat-Nav and enjoy your journey to middle-earth, once you are there you’ll realise it was worth the effort."