27 Jul 19'
"What an amazing way to spend a week with a truly beautiful piece of furniture to show for it at the end. The local wood is well stocked with native hardwood trees ample to make a chair (or two) from coppiced wood, the traditional and sustainable method. The staff are very experienced and patient with all attendees, especially those like me with limited experience. All hand tools are available and kept in good condition with keen edges. The team have worked hard to create a self sufficient working environment with minimal impact upon the land and environment. If you enjoy working outdoors then this is the place for you. If you spend your time indoors then its vital you need to join in too!"
Sallerton Wood responded:
"Thank you very much indeed, John, for posting your review, and we're glad to hear that you enjoyed the course and the environment of Sallerton Wood. Yours is the 50th five-star review that we have received for our courses, and CraftCourses.com have now awarded us their Platinum award as a course provider; their highest award category. We hope to see you back at Sallerton Wood sometime in the future."