Willow Chicken,Pheasant or Flying Owl Sculpture with Jo Sadler
Come and make the bird of your choice from local Somerset Willow with Jo Sadler. Please let me know your choice. They will be about 2 to 3 foot in size. Please wear comfy clothing and footwear, an apron may be useful.
What's included in the price?
All materials included and a simple metal frame. Light refreshments available all day. Please bring your own lunch and snacks.
6½ hours
Cancellation policy
Medium - Cancellation and a full refund can be obtained up to 4 weeks before the course starts
Hi I am a self taught willow artist and live in Somerset, surrounded by willow! I make all sorts of commission pieces and you can see my work at The Swannery, Abbotsbury . I run willow sculpture workshops at Studi0ne,Bridport,River Cottage & Symondsbury Estate,The David Hall,South Petherton, Flowerdew Farm, and Musgroves Willow located in Dorset, Devon and Somerset. From hares to deer, pigs, bees, dragonfly and flying owls, Christmas wreaths, to name a few! I can also come to you if you can get 8 people together-local village hall.....
Suitable for
- Adults
- Suitable for beginners
- Intermediate level
- Christmas
There are many websites with good advice on this. Just put this question into the internet and look for a willow centre or my website for advice.
No, its better and safer NOT to bring secateurs. I'll trim any protruding willow pieces on the day.
The willow can be a bit grubby and damp so an apron may be helpful to protect your clothing.