Wool painting and felted pictures courses, craft kits and handcrafted gifts

Wool painting & felted picture courses, live classes, kits and online workshops from UK makers and felt artists. Create a beautiful landscape, abstract art, or a detailed portrait of your beloved pet. Learn to 'paint' with wool from seasoned professionals and surprise yourself at the results! Using a barbed needle instead of a paintbrush and coloured wool, you can create stunning works of art.
platinum badge
Painting with wool & silk fibres - Feltmaking
½ minutes
Next date: 28th Sep 2024
8 places left
gold badge
Felted Art Soaps
4 hours
Next date: 5th Dec 2024
4 places left
platinum badge
Felt Making Pictures -Introduction
4½ hours
Next date: 28th Sep 2024
5 places left
diamond badge
Crafts in the Valley - Felted Pictures Workshop in Cragg Vale, Hebden Bridge, West Yorkshire
5 hours
Next date: 26th Oct 2024
platinum badge
Feltmaking OOH the choices!
1 day
Next date: 28th Sep 2024
8 places left
platinum badge
‘Winter dream ' wool painting face-to-face textile art course in Worcestershire
6 hours
Next date: 6th Oct 2024
7 places left
gold badge
Needle Felting Workshop - landscape pictures
3 hours
Next date: 9th Sep 2024
gold badge
Beginners dry needle felted seascapes
2½ hours
Next date: 14th Sep 2024
3 places left
platinum badge
Felt Pictures-Painting with fibres - intro to 2D wet felting/felt making
3 hours
Next date: 21st Sep 2024
2 places left
gold badge
Fun with Felt Flowers
3 hours
Next date: 25th Sep 2024
platinum badge
Pre-felt Abstract Painting inspired by Braque & Matisse or make some word art with Purr & Wag It, Tabletop Workshops
2½ hours
Next date: 22nd Sep 2024
2 places left
platinum badge
A day of felt making: 2D and 3D Wet Felting with Purr & Wag It, Tabletop Workshops
7½ hours
Next date: 21st Sep 2024
4 places left
platinum badge
'Field with Red Poppies' wool fibre painting art kit
7 items left
platinum badge
Two day Enchanted Woodland Wet Felt course in Hebden Bridge
2 days
Next date: 12th Oct 2024
4 places left
platinum badge
'Sunset' wool fibre painting kit
9 items left
gold badge
Intro to Wet Felting
1 day
Next date: 25th Sep 2024
8 places left
bronze badge
Wet Felted picture - Bluebell Woodland
6 hours
Next date: 25th Oct 2024
4 places left
diamond badge
'Make a framed, needle-felted Wren' with Helen Hammond a 'Quirky Workshop' nr Ullswater & the Lake District
1 day
Next date: 10th Oct 2024
gold badge
Felted Autumn Landscape (with quality frame)
4 hours
Next date: 21st Sep 2024
3 places left
silver badge
A complete introduction to felt-making
Next date: 9th Sep 2024
bronze badge
Needle Felting Landscape Workshop with Janine Jacques
4 hours
Next date: 18th Oct 2024
platinum badge
Felting Workshop - Beginner - 1 Day - 2 People
6 hours
Next date: 21st Sep 2024
platinum badge
Felting Workshop - Beginner - Learn at Home in Your Own Time
30 items left
platinum badge
Felting Workshop - Beginner - 1 Day - One to One
6 hours
Next date: 21st Sep 2024
platinum badge
Felting Workshop - Beginner - Live Online - One to One
6 hours
Next date: 21st Sep 2024
platinum badge
Felt Succulent’s Felting Workshop-Barton, North Lincolnshire
2½ hours
Next date: 29th Sep 2024
4 places left
platinum badge
Felted collages using pre-felt Video kit by Purr & Wag It, Tabletop Workshops
2 hours (flexible times to suit)
25 items left
platinum badge
‘Red Robin with snow drops ' wool painting face-to-face textile art course in Worcestershire
6 hours
Next date: 20th Oct 2024
8 places left


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