22 Sep 17'
"I first met Mark a few months ago; I’d decided that I needed to explore some hobbies which might take me out of my comfort zone and get me to learn new skills. Given my (then) belief that wood-turning demanded brute strength and was undertaken by grey-haired beardy-weirdy men with an unhealthy love of folk music and an unquenchable desire to fill the world with hand-made honey spurtles, it seemed to fit the bill perfectly given I am a middle-aged, cack-handed female, cautious about folk music and who has never-knowingly made anything useful in her life. So I booked a 1-day session with Mark and looked forward to a few hours in woodland world ….
How wrong I was! Well, yes, Mark does indeed have a beard and there may be a few grey hairs in it (albeit not as many as there were by the time he had finished teaching me) but other than that, all preconceptions went out of the window. By the time I left I was a convert having learned that wood-turning is:
• Both incredibly relaxing and yet challenging enough to keep the brain interested; forget making a honey spurtle; by the end of my first day I had produced (with a lot of help!) a lovely bowl which that morning had started life as a rather unprepossessing lump of firewood;
• Requires no brute strength at all – when you get the technique correct it’s all about finesse not muscle; move over gentlemen and let us ladies have a go;
• Pretty easy to learn; after just one day with Mark you’re confident enough to get your own lathe (or simply commandeer your husband’s or partner's) and start having a go on your own
My conversion to the joys of wood-turning was completely due to Mark, and his brilliance as a teacher. Mark is incredibly patient, informative, enthusiastic and encouraging. He takes the lessons seriously in that he is well-prepared and able to move along at your pace, taking the time to explain not only what to do but why you need to do it (important when wishing to avoid a piece of wood flying at your head from less than a foot away). But while he is serious about his craft, his teaching style is anything but: I had great fun from start to finish, and spent much of the day laughing both at Mark’s jokes and at myself. Indeed I enjoyed it so much that I’ve subsequently returned for a couple more sessions.
Never found out whether he likes folk music……."