Since I was old enough to hold a crayon I have enjoyed playing with colour. Over the years this has been with drawing, sewing, painting and printing – all of which I still enjoy. My home is full of colourful crockery, fabrics and furnishing - and my wardrobe is full of colourful clothes.
For over 35 years I have been lucky enough to live in Pembrokeshire where the constantly changing light and colour provides endless inspiration for my printing and embroidery which reflect the colours and images of the countryside and coast near my home. I use gel-plate printing to produce colourful images on paper and for collage, however it also lends itself perfectly to my textile work. Many years ago I studied Fashion and Textiles but today I rarely make any clothes as it’s the textile work which I enjoy most, often using my own gel-printed fabric as backgrounds. I use free- motion machine embroidery and hand stitching to enhance fabric based prints.
I work from my home in Pembrokeshire surrounded by colour in a room with a view over St.Brides Bay.
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