
Paint & Create

Contact name: Josephine Nichol
Total bookings
about 1 month
with CraftCourses

Maker's bio

As self-taught artist living in the Northumberland, I have been painting for over 24 years. Inspired by the surrounding Northeast coastline I enjoy painting seascapes and landscapes in acrylics and watercolour hopefully capturing their atmosphere in different moods through colour. Even though I have a passion for creating landscapes and seascapes I also like to experiment with different mediums and subjects which makes my artwork quite diverse. I also paint in alcohol inks, sometimes adding a little goldleaf metal to enhance the painting, My artwork has been displayed and sold from Art Gallery’s in Newcastle upon Tyne, North Shields and in Spennymoor. There are very little things I enjoy more than listening to my favourite pieces of music while painting. This is so therapeutic; an experience I’d like to share with others and why I decided to host my own relaxing art workshop. A chance to leave the Hustle and bustle of everyday life behind for 2 hours a week and create your own piece of art in a relaxing friendly atmosphere.

Courses, kits & gifts

Paint & Create - Children's After School Art Workshop
1½ hours
Next date: 2nd Jul 2024
6 places left
Paint & Create - Relaxing Art Workshops
2 hours
Paint & Create - Summer Holiday Children's Art Workshops
2 hours
Next date: 23rd Jul 2024
6 places left
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