7 Jun 21'
"I've been talking of starting woodturning for years. Finally got to start after I was bought a lathe and a set of chisels for my birthday, along with this 2 day course. Because of covid it was 6 months until i could get to Mark's course. So all my turning was done from you tube and trial and error. (Mostly error) After the initial excitement had worn off, I was getting increasingly frustrated, destroying more pieces than I was finishing.
Loved my 2 days spent with Mark, a great teacher and very patient. We ran over on day 2, probably down to me asking so many questions, and even though we finished almost an hour and half late, i was never rushed into getting finished. Loved our chats over lunch, which were completely unrelated to woodturning. Spent all of sunday spinning bits of wood in my workshop, can't believe the difference its made. I can now make more than just firewood."
Mark Hancock responded:
"Thank you John. Hope you've got that bowl gouge ordered.
All the best, Mark"