23 Jan 25'
"The course was a wonderful gift; neither of us had turned anything before. my wife, who had no experience of working with power tools ('Not even a drill') was rather apprehensive. Thanks to Roger's calm and welcoming introduction however we were soon choosing the wood, the design, and getting stuck in to the mounting, turning, sanding and polishing processes aided by industrial quantities of tea and having lots of fun. After the day, slightly tired, we carried away with us a basic insight into the craft and the two best wooden bowls ever made by human beings, together with a glowing sense of achievement. Roger certainly knows the game- thank you so much Roger for keeping a level head and working so hard throughout the day. We weren't even allowed to clean up the mess we had made, which was quite significant I can tell you, and to Mrs. Cutler for the lunch. Also give Tilly a cuddle from Sandra please...."