Top 10 tips: How to get the most out of remote and online craft sessions

You may not be able to attend a creative experience workshop in person at the moment but there are lots of great options for creative learning experiences from home. We've compiled our top 10 tips for getting the most out of these craft sessions.


Live tuition, online courses, craft kits and boxes... 


LIVE tuition


1. For live classes, make sure you have whatever you need to login (links, password, apps etc) at least 30 minutes before you're due to start - just in case you need to download something or check your microphone or sound.


2. Mobile phone screens can be quite small making it difficult to see the detail in a craft session, so ideally use a TV or computer screen. You can plug a laptop into most TV screens, but if this is not possible the laptop or TV screen should be sufficient. The fixed cameras on computers (or webcams on TVs) provide a more stable and better quality visual experience, but remember to look at the camera for that all important eye-contact!


3. For the best possible internet connection, plug your device straight into the router using an ethernet cable. Ensure all other web applications are closed down and ask other people using your internet to try to avoid streaming video or downloading for the duration of the workshop. This will really help to give you a more reliable connection.


4. Turn off any music and try to minimise background noise as in a two-way (or even multi-way) session this could become pretty noisy and distracting as everyone can hear each other. Tutor may very well Mute particpaints during certain sections to avoid this, but you can still use the chat to ask questions and engage wirth the other participants. 



Online courses


5. Give yourself enough time - don't try to squeeze in a crafting session between other things on your To Do list. To get the most out of your learning you need to be relaxed and allow yourself to make mistakes, practice and explore new ideas. 


6. Be open-minded. You may well have expectations about what a particular craft is like or what you may like to create, but as your understanding grows allow yourself to be flexible and to change your ideas and goals.




Craft kits & boxes: learn from home


7. Create a comfortable workspace. Ensure that you have enough room and that your instructions, be they printed, downloaded or live via a device are easily viewed.


8. Ensure that you have all of the tools and materials that you need to hand. You may have to order some of these in yourself prior to starting the workshop or the tutor may send you a kit.


9. Turn off mobile phone and other device notifications and alerts - allow yourself to be in the moment and fully immersed in this creative experience.


Most  importantly of all - enjoy it.


10. Be positive and talk kindly to yourself.

You can do this!

People learn at different rates and find certain techniques trickier than others. You are here to learn - not be perfect from the get-go!



Here are some more blog articles that we hope will help and inspire you through this unusual time.