Learn to make your own natural, organic affordable skin care

by Rosie Cantrill

I set up Organik Orangutan in 2015 to create palm oil-free soap and skincare, with the goal of creating products that contained no artificial chemicals and fragrances harmful to our bodies or the environment. Our skin is our largest organ and we need to take good care of it and be careful what we apply to it. My company also helps to protect the Rainforests of Sumatra and Borneo and in particular the Orangutan who are in a crisis situation.

Due to a huge loss of habitat, orangutans are now critically endangered and close to extinction, with their environment destroyed through deforestation and palm oil plantations (not to mention illegal hunting).

Organik Orangutan soaps and skincare are naturally enriched with organic oils and butters. They are Fair Trade and kind to the environment. Each individual soap has a unique quality of its own that reflects the ingredients used. They are coloured only by natural ingredients which makes them suitable for the most sensitive of skins and will not damage our water supply.

I feel so passionate about this that I wanted to share it with everyone I could. So, in January 2017 I decided to run workshops to teach people how to make their own luxury soap and skincare so they, and their friends and families, could learn how to make high quality and skin nourishing products without the ‘cost’ of palm oil.

Approximately 90% of the world’s palm oil is been produced in Malaysia and Indonesia. Millions of hectares of forest are being destroyed, this causes serious problems for the environment, animals and people living in the rainforest.

Students that attend my workshops leave with the beautiful natural products they have made on the day. They go away knowing exactly what has gone into their product and knowing that it is safe for themselves and their families.

Students attend my workshops because they care about the environment and sustainability and they have a desire to only use products that are safe for their skin and are environmentally friendly.

They go away with the knowledge and confidence to make their own products and in so doing are taking an environmental step in reducing their carbon footprints; making our own soap and beauty products can make a massive impact on the amount of single use plastics we consume as individuals. They also know that I am only an email or a call away should they need any help, guidance or advice in continuing their new creative journey.

If you enjoyed reading this take a look at our Guide to the Top 10 Eco-friendly Courses.