Getting the most out of

As with so many things in life, the more you put in, the more you get out. Here is some essential advice for setting up and updating your pages on CraftCourses, including Search Engine Optimisation tips and collecting reviews.

(If you teach craft but haven't joined our community yet, register now)


1. Use the right words (Keywords) !

Optimise your course page(s) by including all of the relevant words and phrases that your prospective students might type into Google (or other search engine). The title and first paragraph are key, so make sure the essentials are all there. Dates should go in the date form, not in the text, but you might include your location and the course length in the title. If the tutor or venue is well known, include their name too. Some examples of snappy titles include « Introduction to blacksmithing in Ecclesall Woods », « Glass fusing taster workshop in York »...

In addition to all the practical information you would need to book, your course description should include appealing details about what a student can expect to find. Maybe you have a stunning garden, make a mean carrot cake or enjoy sea views... let people know ! Regularly add upcoming course dates so that browsing students can find you in date searches.

Please avoid SHOUTY CAPITALS, poor spulling, incorrect; punctuation and emoticons ;-)


2. Pictures speak a thousand words...

You can add up to 20 images, in most formats and sizes, with captions, to the Image Gallery on each course page. Attractive images are vital to show students what they can hope to make. You could include pictures of your workshop or studio, the tutor, what they might make and past courses in action.  Read our guide to taking beautiful pictures to improve your course listing >



3. Reviews, reviews, reviews ! 

This is often the key to getting a great return from we all love to browse reviews before choosing a course or product. They work wonders for increasing bookings, get you higher up in our listings and Google etc love them! Read more about how to collect reviews here

Once you start gathering reviews, you will be able to print off your Students Choice Award Certificate of Excellence and Badge to display on your workshop wall, website or brochure. 


4. Stay Connected: blogs & social media

Why not write an article or blog for the CraftCourses news section? Perhaps you have an interesting story to tell about your craft, how you came to be a creator or would like to share your knowledge. Get in touch to discuss your ideas – we would love to hear from you !

Perhaps you want to spotlight a glowing review, fill up remaining spaces on an upcoming course or promote an open day or competition. You can tag us in your own posts (by typing @craftcourses) and we will like, retweet and share your posts where possible.


5. Get to the top!

Boost your course listing(s) to the top of their categories from your Dashboard. Let more people know about the quality courses you provide. You can contact us on to talk about what you need.

Other ideas of things that have worked for you or suggestions for further improving the site? Get in touch and let us know.