20 Oct 15'
"Dear Jamal,
Your courses are above Excellent!!! I have learned so very much from you. And I remain in awe of your gifts and skills; you are easily one of the two finest artists, regardless of medium, I've ever known (and my experience includes a couple of very powerful and well-known artists, whom I won't name, lest they be hurt by my words.
Needless to say, working directly with you has been one of the most wonderful (and memorable) experiences of my entire life. Not since working with my dear friend, the designer, the late William B. Fosser, American film Set Designer/Decorator (for Ordinary People and Home Alone), have I shared such a fabulous interchange of creativity and passion for Art!
Anyone who takes one of your courses will soon realise they have chosen to work with an Artist whose like has not been on this earth since William Morris and Edward Burne-Jones, whose art you so easily translate for modern audiences.
It was a true privilege, and I am further honoured to have become your Friend, into the bargain.
Words fail me. You have my highest conceivable recommendations, and I shall be so proud to have your work, illustrating not one, but two books. Worth every pence, and then some!!!
Loads of love,
you fellow artist,
Judy Gerard Thomson,
who came all the way from Chicago, USA, to spend a week at your side...."