20 Jun 14'
"A brilliant day with Elaine for improvers. I fully intend to return with my daughter for further refreshment for me, and beginners for Rosie. I have finally a much better understanding of worsted vs woollen and exactly what these terms mean in the end product. How to ply with more than two bobbins (Still need to improve, but simply due to practice now). A brief introduction to Naverjo plying as well, which I intend to work on. I wanted to learn how to control my spinning, and how to create thicker plys as my own had become ever finer, but not because I wanted them to. Now I have a much better understanding of the working of my wheel. My only comment that would have improved my day, is that I wished I had brought my own traveller wheel with me. Which I could easily had done. Oh as well I must mention. I stayed at the Hostel in Arnside. A single train stop away and it was very affordable at £20 per night. This has ensured my continued learning from Elaine. Will I go to see her again? Definitely."