Weekly Exploring Printmaking with Charlotte Aldis at Cambridge Art Makers



Explore printmaking over 10 Friday evenings. This course offers you the opportunity to explore a variety of printmaking techniques ranging from linocut to monotype, drypoint to collagraph. Whether you have done it before or are new to the processes you will have the opportunity to learn and explore these different techniques with Charlotte's expert guidance. Learn about the different tools and materials and explore combinations of techniques over the ten weeks, play with colour and texture and develop your personal printmaking style! Some of the techniques you can explore: Drypoint - create fine detailed images by creating indents in a smooth surface. Collagraph - create characterful prints from textured surfaces and found objects. Monotype - create unique, unrepeatable prints via transfer, or subtractive and painterly methods. Lino - cut designs into lino for relief printing; explore single and multiple-colour prints using masking and layering.

What's included in the price?

All tools, materials, tea, coffee and biscuits


10 evenings

Cancellation policy

Medium - Cancellation and a full refund can be obtained up to 4 weeks before the course starts



Cambridge Art Makers

with Craft Courses since 2018

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Suitable for

  • Adults
  • Seniors
  • Intermediate level
  • Public transport
  • Parking provided
  • Suitable for beginners
gold badge
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6 Lintech Court, Linton, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB21 4XN