Mosaic Crochet, 4 consecutive Wednesdays



Mosaic Crochet , 4 consecutive Wednesdays Come along and add mosaic work to your crochet skills. This is a 4 x 3 hour course where you will learn a new stitches each week. You can make a small cushion or start a larger blanket, on the last week we will be learning how to make an enclosed border. Starting Equipment and materials pack can be provided @ an additional cost of £15 to £20 depending on the size of your project. Hooks and yarn can be purchased separately too or.... You will need to bring at least 2 contrasting balls of double knit yarn plus a 4.5mm crochet hook


12 evenings

Cancellation policy

Medium - Cancellation and a full refund can be obtained up to 4 weeks before the course starts


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96C, High Street, Burton Latimer, KETTERING, Northamptonshire, NN15 5LA