Dyeing courses, craft kits and handcrafted gifts

Dyeing courses, classes, kits and workshops from UK makers. Dyeing is the age old process of adding colour to all types of textiles. Dyes can be natural, such as the orangey-red 'ochre' found in clay or onion skins, or man-made. One of the most abundant sources of dye is the plant kingdom. Roots, berries, bark, leaves and wood can all be used. Learning how to be creative with colours and fabric is a timeless and enjoyable skill. As a textile artist, it will open doors onto new realms of possibility! Would you like to learn how to dye fabric? Perhaps you have a dress or pair of trousers that needs a new lease of life? Come and join a dyeing course, workshop or group and open your eyes to the world of colour out there!
platinum badge
Introduction to Natural Dyeing, Mere, Wiltshire
6 hours
Next date: 29th Sep 2024
gold badge
Fabric Dyeing
2 days
Next date: 10th Oct 2024
platinum badge
An Introduction to Natural Dyeing with Starter Kit. A self-paced online course.
98 items left
platinum badge
An Introduction to Natural Dyeing. A self-paced online course
96 items left
gold badge
Dyeing Synthetics and Recycled Materials - Digital Workbook
5 items left
gold badge
Natural Dyeing Shades of Yellow with the Woodland Haberdasher at Cambridge Art Makers
6 hours
Next date: 20th Oct 2024
4 places left
gold badge
Creative natural dyeing
1 day
Next date: 5th Oct 2024
gold badge
Burnt Fen Alpacas Natural Dyes Workshop
1 day
Next date: 14th Sep 2024
silver badge
Natural Dyeing E-Booklet with Janet Renouf-Miller
4 hours
998 items left
silver badge
Rust dyed quilt wall hanging tutorial
500 items left
Potato Chip My Way!
Intro to Mehndi (Henna Tattoo) for Groups
90 minutes
Next date: 9th Sep 2024
Natural Dyeing (Bundle Dye technique)
2½ hours
Next date: 14th Sep 2024
6 places left
Introduction to Natural Dyeing
6 hours
Next date: 22nd Sep 2024
6 places left
Natural Dyeing (Eco-print technique)
2½ hours
Next date: 14th Sep 2024
6 places left


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