Colour explorations - the colour scheme game with Chris Carter
Experience the joy of playing with colour and colour schemes, whilst learning the importance of colour value (tone). This game changed forever the way that I see colour, mix colour, and utilize colour for strong design, composition, and the way I tell my story through art. The Colour Scheme Game reinforces your understanding of mixing various pigments, forces you to experiment with colour combinations, and opens the door to using colour as tone (value) rather than being locked into the reality of your environment. Enjoy the experience of truly PLAYING with colour!
What's included in the price?
Within the Colour Scheme Game course there are more than seventy lessons covering a multitude of topics related to the elements of art such as: 1. Contour drawing 2. Choosing your brushes, paints, pens, palettes... 3. Closed and open shapes 4. Composition 5. Colour value (colour tone) 6. Working in a series 7. Watercolour techniques and more... A PDF file of the colour wheel, templates, and instructions for laminating the templates is included.
What you will need
Materials List: Pencil, Permanent Fine Tip Marker or Fountain Pen filled with permanent ink such as Platinum Carbon Ink or Noodler’s Bulletproof Black. DO NOT USE INDIA INK!!!. India ink … it will ruin your pen because of the shellac in it. Watercolour paints (One each of any cool yellow, warm yellow, cool blue, warm blue, cool red and warm red) A total of six tubes of watercolour pigment, two yellows, two blues & two reds.) See listing of pigments, at the end of this list, to determine your choices. You may use either tube paints or pan paints. Watercolour brushes - I suggest a round or flat #10 and #6 Three containers for water Mixing palette, preferably a round one with eight to twelve wells Paper Towels Scrap Paper eye dropper or fine mist, spray bottle Watercolour paper (hot press and/or cold press) or small watercolour pad (quality paper, not student grade) It will be most beneficial to you to use paper you enjoy painting on if you are already a watercolourist. If you work in a different medium, please use watercolour for this class. You will be able to apply what you learn to every other medium you work in. PIGMENTS: Cool Yellows: Cadmium Lemon, Hansa Yellows, Bismuth Yellow, Lemon Yellows, Nickel Titanate, Aureolin Warm Yellows: Cadmium Yellows, Hansa Yellow Deep, Gamboge, Nickel Dioxine, Yellow Ochre Cool Blues: Cobalt Teal, Cobalt Turquoise, Cerulean Blue, Phthalo Blue, Manganese Blue, Joe's Blue Warm Blues: Ultramarine Blue, Indanthrone Blue Cool Reds: Magenta, Alizarin Crimson, Quinacridone Carmine, Quinacridone Rose, Quinacridone Crimson Warm Reds: Cadmium Reds, Vermillion, Pyrrole Red, Cadmium Scarlet, Pyrrole Scarlet If you don't have any of the above mentioned pigments and you have other pigments that are not listed, you may send me a list of your pigments and I will let you know if they are considered to be warm or cool.
I travel half the year exploring, sketching and painting throughout the world. When travelling, I work mainly in sketchbooks, representationally, in ink and watercolour. In my home studio I paint abstractly in watercolour or oil. I teach several live workshops each year in Wales, focusing on the joy of colour, fun sketching techniques and training your eyes to observe. Workshop students receive free access to several of my online courses to reinforce what I teach in the workshops.
Suitable for
- Adults
- Seniors
- Teenagers
- Suitable for beginners
- Intermediate level
- Advanced/pro level

This course is taught online