Explore the vast subject of drawing Still Life in this 6 wk course. We will focus on drawing fruit, glass and ceramic objects as well as the skills of mapping out, line quality and tone for form, colour and texture.
What's included in the price?
You will receive an email each week with the class instructions, visuals and stage by stage drawings of the 3 weekly tasks in each class. Daily email support is available to assist and advise on tasks as well as give you constructive feedback so you can grow your skills.
What you will need
A sketchbook ( A4 or A3), basic drawing pencils ( HB, 2B & 4B), sharpener & rubber, plus an email address to receive classes and a way of sending photos of your drawings to The Studio if you want feedback on your drawings
6 weeks
Suitable for
- Adults
- Seniors
- Teenagers
- Wheelchair users
- Hearing impaired
- Limited mobility
- Suitable for beginners
- Intermediate level
- Advanced/pro level

This course is taught online