Calligraphy: four-lesson correspondence and/or zoom courses with Gaynor Goffe
A four-lesson calligraphy CORRESPONDENCE course taught by a leading professional calligrapher, with mini video clips. OR tuition via 3 private one-hour ZOOM sessions with video and tutor demonstration sheets e-mailed after the session OR a mixture of scanned lessons and Zoom sessions. MOST DATES POSSIBLE PLEASE CONTACT TO ARRANGE! These courses both ZOOM and CORRESPONDENCE are suitable for all levels from beginner to advanced. There are a variety of scripts and variations available and also material can be flexible to individual situations, especially beyond beginner level. You might like to start with the popular 'modern' pointed pen calligraphy., which is an easier but similar script to copperplate, or start with uncial, which is the easiest square-nib script for beginners, or basic italic, which is the most useful. Other scripts available include foundational hand, cursive italic variations, sharpened italic and variations, versals and variations, flourish design with italic and italic capitals, foundational hand, uncial basic and variations, Roman capitals, italic capitals. other script/topics available on request. What you will learn: THE ZOOM SESSIONS consist of work alongside tutor with frequent demonstrations and feedback. In one lesson you will learn to write the script of your choice, and use it in wording , on longer courses ie £75, you will additionally learn lay-out and design of texts and introduction to more flowing versions of the script eg pointed pen or italic, and time/progress permitting flourish design . There are any other possibilities for follow-on courses,with italic variations and capitals. The CORRESPONDENCE course material consists of tutor-written examples, with lesson notes and exercises, sent (A4 size) via e-mails and returned by the same means for correction and return. We may begin with pencil letterforms and spacing, followed by 3 lessons using the pen. In addition to learning letterforms, short exercises writing texts are included. Marking is detailed, with a demonstration of corrections. Time-scale is flexible to the individual, approximately one lesson a month is recommended for maximum progress. E-mail support is available at any time for questions. Gaynor Goffe is a well-known professional calligrapher, a fellow of the Calligraphy & Lettering Arts Society and the Society of Scribes & Illuminators.
What's included in the price?
3 one-hour private ZOOM lessons with video sent after and tutor demonstrations scanned in. OR four CORRESPONDENCE lessons (spread as preferred), with e-mailed ( or posted) exemplars and lesson notes, and video mini demonstration .clips. Marking of lesson work scanned into the email ( or posted) with detailed correction and demonstration of corrections on paper) Support via email OR all tuition via private work-alongside tutor ZOOM sessions with tutor feedback during the session. Please note that, whilst dates are flexible, the first lesson must be started within three months of being accepted on a course, and the whole course completed it within 6 months.
What you will need
A list of tools and materials will be provided at the start of the course
A qualified teacher, I trained in calligraphy, illumination and heraldic painting at Reigate School of Art on a specialist course in the 1970's, followed by 3 years as assistant to well-known calligrapher Donald Jackson, and have spent 40 years teaching calligraphy internationally at all levels, including degree level, working to commission and for exhibition. A longstanding fellow of the Calligraphy & Lettering Arts Society and Society of Scribes & Illuminators, and have written two books.
Suitable for
- Adults
- Seniors
- Teenagers
- Suitable for all abilities
- Daytime (weekdays)
- Weekends
- Intermediate level
- Suitable for beginners
- Advanced/pro level

This course is taught online