
Come and make your own willow chicken or duck in a creative, supportive, friendly & fun environment Small animal willow sculptures are very popular, and look charming sitting in the flowerbed, perched on a wall or leaping across the lawn. Whatever animal you hope to make, it is best to do some homework first and bring along some photographs or drawings of the animal and the pose your sculpture hopes to adopt. Of course there are lots of images at Welig and a collection of small animal toys for the full 3D effect. Alison will happily talk through your ideas before you get started, to ensure you have the time and materials to complete your chosen animal. Start - 9.30 for 10.00 when tuition begins Break for a light lunch - dietary preferences considered. Refreshments and Homemade bakes will be available throughout the day, on a help-yourself basis. Finish 4.30 (Alison will be around for an additional hour to ensure everyone goes home with a finished item they are proud to have made) The workshop is suitable for anyone who is new to working with willow as well as those with a little experience. Further details and exchange of ideas available on booking.

What's included in the price?

All tools and materials, scrumptious lunch and refreshments


6½ hours

Cancellation policy

Medium - Cancellation and a full refund can be obtained up to 4 weeks before the course starts




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The Barn, C/O Willowbrook. 37 Ludwell, Shaftesbury, Dorset, SP7 9ND