A fun practical day spent learning how to assemble a beehive from a flatpack kit. All tools, fixings, and flatpack hive parts are provided. You will receive step-by-step instructions on how all the parts of a beehive fit together and will take home a fully assembled British-cedar national beehive and frames worth over £200!
What's included in the price?
An intensive informal and practical day learning how to assemble a complete beehive and frames from a flatpack kit. Each student will take home a good quality, fully assembled hive in which they can use to keep bees along with a comprehensive guide to use for assembling equipment in the future 1. Classroom introduction and H&S briefing 2. Hive and Frame assembly: Guiding, via demonstration, each student to assemble their own cedar hive and frames which they take home This course includes the cost of your hive comprising: Open mesh floor with entrance block. Standard brood box with 11 frames and 11 sheets of bs deep wired foundation. Two super boxes, each with 10 frames and 10 sheets of bs shallow wired foundation. Plastic queen excluder. Crown-board with two plastic porter bee escapes 4” roof (or slightly deeper)
7 hours
Cancellation policy
Strict - Cancellation and a full refund can be obtained up to 8 weeks before the course starts
