
For those who have mastered the basics of spindle turning. Try your hand at making a small box with a push fit lid and learn how to prepare your blank, hold it securely to hollow and finish the box and how to approach the accurate sizing of the two parts. Once you’ve mastered that, you can have a go at thread chasing and work on a second box with a threaded lid. You will find out what woods work for threading, different ways to create a thread and a few tips to help you along the way. The course takes place in the picturesque Forest of Dean. Why not make a long weekend out of it and do some sightseeing too!

What's included in the price?

All equipment, materials and lunch.


6 hours

Cancellation policy

Medium - Cancellation and a full refund can be obtained up to 4 weeks before the course starts


I have been turning wood since just before the end of the last century. I have been demonstrating turning at home and overseas for 20 years and teaching it for over 15 years. I have written many articles for the woodturning press and for the web. In 2011 I was awarded the Tony Boase Tribute award at the AWGB international seminar. I am an AWGB approved tutor and a tutor assessor. My aim is to provide you with the knowledge and techniques to take your woodturning to the next level and I teach all levels from complete beginners to experts.

Suitable for

  • Adults
  • Seniors
  • Teenagers
  • Hearing impaired
gold badge
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Windrush, High Street, DRYBROOK, Gloucestershire, GL17 9ET