Come and make a three foot leaping hare! Using Somerset willow, come and craft yourself a beautiful sculpture with local artist Jo Sadler, at Studi0ne in Bridport.
What's included in the price?
All materials are included and some light refreshments.
6½ hours
Cancellation policy
Medium - Cancellation and a full refund can be obtained up to 4 weeks before the course starts
Hi I am a self taught willow artist and live in Somerset, surrounded by willow! I make all sorts of commission pieces and you can see my work at The Swannery, Abbotsbury . I run willow sculpture workshops at Studi0ne,Bridport,River Cottage & Symondsbury Estate,The David Hall,South Petherton, Flowerdew Farm, and Musgroves Willow located in Dorset, Devon and Somerset. From hares to deer, pigs, bees, dragonfly and flying owls, Christmas wreaths, to name a few! I can also come to you if you can get 8 people together-local village hall.....
Yes-so please wear comfortable clothing and footwear-maybe an apron!
There are many websites with good advice on this. Just put this question into the internet and look for a willow centre or my website for advice.
No, its better and safer NOT to bring secateurs. I'll trim any protruding willow pieces on the day.
The willow can be a bit grubby and damp so an apron may be helpful to protect your clothing.