
This is the perfect gift to encourage children off screens. They will love the ink diffusing process and will produce some useful cards to send (through snail mail) to friends and family. We are so excited to launch our card making kits. Designed by @LettuceCelery to showcase our incredible natural inks, these little boxes of joy contain all you need to make eight fabulous, cute, special cards to send to your friends and family. There are five characters to choose from, some are designed to make Christmas cards whereas others are for birthdays. The best bit is that you can block out the words when you are stencilling and use them for a whole host of other purposes too. They could even be thank you cards. Each kit comes with cards, envelopes, inks, stencils instructions and an ink diffuser. All you need to do is decide which lovely little character to choose. Cards are so much more special when they are homemade.

What's included in the price?

Three bottles of natural ink Ink diffuser Stencils Cards and envelopes

What you will need

Some time, patience and a stamp or two to send your masterpieces around the world. Some newspaper to protect your table would be useful too.



A placeholder graphic for missing avatar

Wild and Madder

with Craft Courses since 2023

Message the maker

Suitable for

  • Adults
  • Teenagers
  • Children
  • Intermediate level
  • Suitable for beginners
Message the maker