Confused about quilting categories? Want designs to get started? This unique ecourse provides all you need to know about modern quilting and how to design modern quilts. It consists of 100 modern quilt designs by quilt designer Karen Platt, plus alternative colourways, 10 layouts and ideas plus practical information. Designs are for your personal use only. Access is 24/7 and there is access to your personal tutor online limited to 30 minutes. The ecourse is presented as a pdf.
What's included in the price?
What is included in the Modern Quilts ecourse? • 24/7 Access to the ecourse • Access to me as an etutor limited to 30 mins • 100 designs that can be used for any size quilt or cushion for example • Alternative colourways • 10 layouts • Ideas • Tips • Tutorials • Techniques such as raw edge applique, improvisational quilting, negative space, fmq (free motion quilting) Bondaweb and how to really use it • Identification and description of the modern quilt category
What you will need
You will need nothing further to take the ecourse. Of course, if you make a quilt, you need the usual quilting equipment.
Karen is a fully qualified and experienced teacher of mixed media and quilting, for groups and individuals of any age. She is a hands-on designer maker of textiles, knitwear and quilts. She has been knitting for over 50 years, designing knitwear for over 30 years. She has designed her own textiles for over 20 years. She began quilting less than 10 years ago but designs all her own quilt patterns. Karen has been a teacher for over 40 years. Holding an Honours degree in Spanish and a Post-Graduate Certificate in Education, Karen develops unique e-courses in design, colour and texture.
Suitable for
- Adults
- Seniors
- Teenagers
- Mother's Day
- Suitable for beginners

This course is taught online