
This course is designed for those with some experience of watercolour painting who would like help to achieve fresh and lively results. Demonstrations will review the essential elements of pure watercolour, and introduce line and wash techniques. Particular attention will be given to the importance of composition, simplification of a subject and creating correct tonal values. About the tutor: John Tookey is an experienced artist and art teacher, having exhibited with the Royal Institute of Watercolourists, the Royal Oil Institute and the Pastel Society, of which he is a member. He demonstrates widely to art societies, particularly in watercolour. He has led many courses for us at Flatford Mill Field Centre in recent years. What to bring: Bring what you have and what you are used to working with, which includes colours, brushes, paper or boards and appropriate accessories. If, however, you are thinking of re-stocking your watercolour materials, you may like to consider the following: - Paper Bockingford 140lb (300 gsm), NOT (loose sheets of this paper is stocked at the Centre). Saunders Waterford 140lb (300 gsm) NOT You can buy both of these papers in individual sheets, or as pads and blocks. - Colours If you are buying from scratch we would recommend tube or pan colours of Artists’ quality watercolour. A suggested range includes: Light Red, Winsor Red, Burnt Sienna, Raw Sienna, Burnt Umber, Winsor Yellow, Ultramarine, Winsor Blue or Prussian Blue, Payne’s Grey, Cobalt Blue, Cerulean Blue* Brown Madder*. * - These colours are not essential. - Palette A palette with plenty of compartments for paint and several good-sized mixing wells is essential for successful watercolour. An inexpensive moulded plastic palette, which has approximately 18 small wells for paint and 3 or 4 larger wells for mixing, is available from most art shops. - Brushes The brush is probably the most important part of your equipment. A large brush is essential for good watercolour! We would suggest particularly a Pro Arte number 18 or 16, Prolene Series 101. You will also need a number 10 or number 8 brush for more detailed work, and a number 3. - Other Materials If you wish to try the ‘line and wash’ technique you will need the following: waterproof Indian ink (Rotring), black or sepia; a steel-nib pen (even a cocktail stick or tooth pick jammed into a pen holder makes an excellent drawing implement!); or a selection of waterproof felt-tipped pens, eg. Edding 1800 Profipen, sizes 0.7 or 0.5, or Pilot drawing pen, size 0.8. Please note that the centre does not stock art materials, apart from the Bockingford paper referred to above. About Flatford Mill. We have four buildings that are used for visitor accommodation. Whilst most rooms are either en-suite or have a dedicated bathroom, there are some rooms in The Mill that share showers and toilets at the end of the hall. If this is unsuitable for you please make the office staff aware upon booking or as soon as possible. Please be aware that you are visiting a Field Centre that caters in the main for school parties; the accommodation is basic and dormitory style, but warm and comfortable.

What's included in the price?

Expert tuition. Free Wi-Fi. Full board accommodation. Hot and cold drinks. Full board accommodation and picnic lunch is available for resident bookings only. Refreshments are included for all, but non-resident bookings are advised to bring lunch with you.


3 days

Cancellation policy

Strict - Cancellation and a full refund can be obtained up to 8 weeks before the course starts


Suitable for

  • Adults
  • Seniors
  • Limited mobility
  • Parking provided
  • Weekends
  • Engagement, birthdays & anniversaries
  • Residential
  • Suitable for beginners
  • UK Holiday
  • Intermediate level
  • Accommodation offered
  • Advanced/pro level
  • Suitable for all abilities
gold badge
What does this mean?
Message the tutor


Flatford Mill Field Centre, East Bergholt, , Suffolk, CO7 6UL

Field Studies Council, Flatford Mill

Get directions
30 km
20 mi

Booking options

Resident (sole occupancy)
16:00 - 16:00
£320.00 See dates
Resident (shared room)
16:00 - 16:00
£270.00 See dates
16:00 - 16:00
£225.00 See dates