Concentrating on contemporary stitch, this ecourse is 10 units long (each one is meant to last a month). It deals with design, colour, shape, scale, stitch and themes. Each unit is based on information, research, exercises, skills and practical design. Once enrolled, access is 24/7 access and also access to me as a tutor. Learn everything you need to know to create your own embroidered art. Includes from sketch to stitch, portraits, basic to freeform stitches. Samples are shown throughout.
What's included in the price?
Types of stitch Contemporary stitch Portrait embroidery Contemporary embroidery Colour Themes Ideas for embroidery Mounting work
What you will need
You will need to provide all your materials to embroider
44 weeks
Karen is a fully qualified and experienced teacher of mixed media and quilting, for groups and individuals of any age. She is a hands-on designer maker of textiles, knitwear and quilts. She has been knitting for over 50 years, designing knitwear for over 30 years. She has designed her own textiles for over 20 years. She began quilting less than 10 years ago but designs all her own quilt patterns. Karen has been a teacher for over 40 years. Holding an Honours degree in Spanish and a Post-Graduate Certificate in Education, Karen develops unique e-courses in design, colour and texture.
Suitable for
- Adults
- Seniors
- Teenagers
- Suitable for all abilities
- Suitable for beginners
- Intermediate level

This course is taught online