Bowl Carving (Oval Bowl) in Walderchain Wood
Bowl carving workshop. NOTE: this class is reasonably physically demanding. If you are in any doubt about being able manage, I recommend you attend our Spoon Carving class first. You will be guided through the process from selecting a log, through to a completed bowl, by experienced craftsman Mark Saich. The session includes: * Tool review - an overview of the various tools available for bowl carving and similar projects. * Timber selection - what type of wood and what parts of the log are best and what to avoid. * Bowl design - overview of the proportions and features. * Cleaving/splitting timber - use of axe and froe for reducing thickness of wood. * Safe and effective axe, knife, and gouge skills - demonstration and practicing numerous techniques to enable you shape timber. * Finishes - information of various types of product to protect. At the end of the session you will leave with all your fingers, a bowl, and the confidence to carve on your own. The class is a perfect follow on class from spoon carving and for anyone who has started green woodworking. There is a maximum of 4 places per class. If none of the dates suit get in touch via the 'message the tutor' button, as we will be able to arrange a bespoke class. About the venue: When the weather permits the classes will be held in a semi-covered woodland clearing, at other times in a well equipped workshop, situated in 23 acres of ancient woodland in the Elham valley area of outstanding natural beauty (AONB). The woodland is managed to continuously supply timber as a material and fuel, to enhance biodiversity and natural stability and for amenity value.
What's included in the price?
- Use of tools - Wood for carving - Refreshments: tea, coffee, biscuits, etc - Lunch: homemade and local produce, will cater for dietary requirements
1 day
Cancellation policy
Medium - Cancellation and a full refund can be obtained up to 4 weeks before the course starts
Suitable for
- Adults
- Seniors
- Teenagers
- Intermediate level
- Suitable for beginners
- Father's Day
- Mother's Day
- Parking provided