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Mark Hancock

Contact name: Mark Hancock
Total bookings
almost 13 years
with CraftCourses

Maker's bio

Mark has been turning for over 30 years producing originally for the craft fair market before moving to the gallery sector, exhibitions and commissions for collectors world wide. He now tutors full time having a recognised teaching qualification (PTLLS) and 10 years of teaching practice at his workshop, West Dean College, Warwickshire College, Peter Sefton's Furniture School, for the AWGB and various locations worldwide.

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Recent reviews

All maker's reviews
7 Jun 21'

John Pinner reviewed: The complete basics of woodturning (2 days)

"I've been talking of starting woodturning for years. Finally got to start after I was bought a lathe and a set of chisels for my birthday, along with this 2 day course. Because of covid it was 6 months until i could get to Mark's course. So all my turning was done from you tube and trial and error. (Mostly error) After the initial excitement had worn off, I was getting increasingly frustrated, destroying more pieces than I was finishing. Loved my 2 days spent with Mark, a great teacher and very patient. We ran over on day 2, probably down to me asking so many questions, and even though we finished almost an hour and half late, i was never rushed into getting finished. Loved our chats over lunch, which were completely unrelated to woodturning. Spent all of sunday spinning bits of wood in my workshop, can't believe the difference its made. I can now make more than just firewood."

Mark Hancock responded:

"Thank you John. Hope you've got that bowl gouge ordered. All the best, Mark"

8 May 21'

John Hopkins reviewed: Wood turning courses in the Midlands

"Had a full day course with Mark and I found it a truely excellent day. I picked up so many skills, techniques and information, it is a perfect way to start or get back into turning. Mark is a really skilful woodturner and his knowledge is very well founded and most importantly makes sense. His attention to detail, particularly with regards to H & S is fantastic. Mark's teaching manner is exceptional. He is very patient but also keeps you up to a task. He is considerate and helpful and if you need correcting in any way, Mark does it in a very constructive and encouraging way, If you wish to re-ignite your passion, progress your skill or start from the begining, I would thoroughly recommend Mark Hancock. Thanks Mark!"

Mark Hancock responded:

"Thank you John. I really appreciate your comments. All the best, Mark"

29 Apr 21'

Bruce Cottrill reviewed: Wood turning courses in the Midlands

"An absolutely brilliant day! Mark is a highly skilled craftsman but he's obviously passionate about passing on his skills, and does so in a friendly, patient way! He has a well equipped workshop, and goes through all aspects of wood turning, including safety, tool selection and maintenance, types of wood and how to handle them. He followed up the day with lots of useful information, and I ended up with a beautiful wood bowl ... with which I'm well pleased! Thanks Mark for a great day and a great learning experience. I can't wait to get turning!"

Mark Hancock responded:

"Thank you Bruce. Hope you get that lathe soon."

19 Dec 20'

Ken MacDonald reviewed: Wood turning courses in the Midlands

"An absolutely brilliant day spent with Mark. I learnt so much. If you would like to take up woodturning I would thoroughly recommend this course."

Mark Hancock responded:

"Thanks Ken When you get those tools get in touch and I'll sort out the profiles for you. All the best Mark"