
Cyanotype is a fast and responsive form of printmaking; crossing over into photography. You will be combining the atmospheric black and white of monotype with the gorgeous blues of cyanotype to create three colour prints. For this course you will harness the power of the sun to create cyanotype prints; making negatives with drawings, photography and found materials. You will then print your monotypes on top to bring an additional element of depth and dark tones. Taking some time outside to gather inspiration and materials to make your prints is an essential part of this course, making the most of wherever you live and enjoying a bit of sunshine. But don't worry if the sun isn't shining, you'll have the flexibility to wait for a sunny day or make your cyanotypes on your windowsill instead. During this course you will work at your own pace, fitting your printing time around your day to day life. You will work through the processes demonstrated to you in the tutorial videos, whether you are a a complete beginner or experienced printmaker, you will be able to adapt your prints to suit your style and level of experience. Scarlett will show you how to set up a printing space in your home and work to professional standards, whether you're working in your home studio or on your kitchen table. Having been teaching printmaking for 10+ years, Scarlett Rebecca is an encyclopaedia of knowledge when it comes to transferring pigment to paper! And now she is inviting you to come explore printmaking techniques with her, all from the comfort of your own home.

What's included in the price?

- Four detailed video tutorials to watch at your own speed. These include; an introduction to the printmaking process with detailed explanation of registration, using a press and paper handling. step-by-step instructions for making cyanotypes including ideas on how to develop your prints with contact prints, photograms and toning. step-by-step instructions for making monotypes and printing on to cyanotypes. a bonus process of monoprint drawing to help you loosen up your drawing, use up spare ink and create interesting negatives - A selection of downloads including; Printmaking glossary; List of recommended suppliers; List of recommended books/magazines/galleries - An invitation to join the Print Club online forum on discord.com, a community of printmakers where we share our works in progress, print troubleshooting, advice, inspiration and give feedback on each other's work. - Once you have completed a course you will have the opportunity to join the Printmaking Studio Sessions, where we work alongside each other in our zoom studio, and the Printmaker's Group Critique sessions, where we come together on Zoom to discuss our current work, give advice and feedback.

What you will need

For the course you will need: Monotype plate (plastic or metal) Printmaking ink Printmaking Paper / Cartridge Paper Tissue paper Newsprint Cyanotype chemicals Transparent sheets for negatives Pair of gloves Printmaking roller (Desirable) Palette knife Dedicated paintbrush for applying cyanotype solution Two glass jars for storing solution. Vegetable oil/Solvent & rags to clean up printmaking ink Wooden spoon/printing press (Desirable)~A3 piece of acetate/plastic for registration. (Desirable) paintbrushes Sheet of plastic/glass or old photoframe for exposing cyanotypes Tray for soaking paper Marker pens/acrylic/oil pastels for drawing your negatives with. To join the Print Club online forum you will need to register for a free discord.com account.




Scarlett Rebecca

with Craft Courses since 2021

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Scarlett has been teaching printmaking for over 10 years. After a serendipitous shuffle of job roles at Brighton University Scarlett was introduced to lithography 5 years ago and fell in love immediately. She now has two stone lithographic presses and nearly 20 stones! Scarlett works between her studios in Brighton and North Wales, teaching printmaking and producing intricately patterned portraits in relief print and lithography.

Suitable for

  • Adults
  • Seniors
  • Teenagers
  • Children
  • Wheelchair users
  • Intermediate level
  • UK Holiday
  • Suitable for beginners
gold badge
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This course is taught online